In this latest edition of Crowdfund Café, we’re covering Mr. Dino Pride Merch and a Pledge Drive for Members. Plus a lot more!
Let’s get right to it…
The Crowdfundr is paused (not closed, to ensure the campaign can turn into a storefront later). This means we’re not accepting further pledges at this time. We’re tallying up pre-orders now and getting them ready for the printer.
Kelci is running a pledge drive for new members to join their Ko-Fi page! Members who pledge $5 a month will get:
- early access to webcomics, including The Legend of Jamie Roberts and Vanita and the Demon King,
- unlimited zines delivered to their inbox,
- bonus perks for backing a Crowdfundr and/or KickStarter campaign,
- an exclusive supporter newsletter,
- shout-outs on YouTube,
- and lots more!
To get the full list of perks, and to subscribe, head over to Kelci’s Ko-Fi and click “Memberships.” You can also pledge via Fan Clubs.
You also have the option of pledging $15 a month, which will get you the above perks PLUS exclusive desktop and phone wallpapers to download.
To see what Kelci’s goals are for memberships, watch their pledge drive video.

We have received the proof from the printer! Kelci will post a video on their YouTube channel before the end of the week to show it off. After reviewing the proof, we sent some corrected pages to the printer and are awaiting the digital proof. If everything looks good after that, we’ll send the approval to the printer!
We are preparing a special Holiday Pop-Up shop to open in November! This pop-up shop will highlight independent fantasy creators from Ohio in a special online shopping event for the season. To stay tuned for creator highlights, product previews, and more, subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date.
That’s all for now. Thank you for your support!
You. Are. Awesome.